7 years ago
Asajj inconsistency
Previously it was stated that it is intentional that Asajj doesnt have SITH tag. Now, she got a prestigious event called 'SITH AGENT'. The requirement is partly to defeat jedis. The thing is that As...
"Kyno;c-1563845" wrote:"First_but_66_Order;c-1563695" wrote:"Kyno;c-1563349" wrote:
being an agent for a police force doesn't mean you are a cop.
so it doesn't really seem like a contradiction, she was an agent of the sith and not a sith.
Then why is Ahsoka Fulcrum a rebel? She is also "just" an agent employed by the rebel alliance.
If someone speaks like a sith, looks like a sith, was trained by a sith, acts like a sith, considers herself to be a sith and slaughters jedi like a sith, what is it?
She is the apprantice of a sith apprantice.
Like your (hypothetical) grandson is the son of your son. You are still one family.
She was trained by Sith to be an assassin of a Sith apprentice, not a Sith apprentice. She was trained to be a tool of the sith, not as "one of the family"
And there are times where she doesnt consider herself a Sith. We dont have a timestamps on when each toon was from (but that would be nice, to help fill in backstory about why each toon is the way they are), but that timestamp would tell us why the devs gave her that tag from the description of why they tag toona we recieved earlier.
I actually dont know much about ATF, so I cant really comment on her or how she would define herself.
IMO I just dont think its inconsistent to consider her an agent.
Also in your family definition it doesnt really capture the situation, because to be an apprentice you need a master, so the person under an apprentice isnt a true apprentice. But that's all just semantics.