-Yea so Savage is only called a sith apprentice (same as Asajj before being betrayed) Savage has the sith tag in game.
-Maul's description just plain proves that this databank is flawed, he at no point officially became a sith lord. He was an apprentice until assumed dead and then never completed training with his master, so how could that site legitimately say hes a sith lord? He has almost the exact same situation as Asajj, apprentice then taken in by nightsisters he to has the sith tag.
- And the word sith is a broad term it doest solely mean an organization, it was originally a race of people (darth malgus's master was a native sith) then was used to describe force wielders who used the dark side.
- So I think the only legitimate claim you could make is that she was a sith but not a "true sith" as it is described on that flawed site (if you still want to use that site as proof). I think my logic makes more sense than that site, unless there is some storyline I've never heard of.