Forum Discussion

NicWester's avatar
7 years ago

Best luck you've had.

I don't know how lucky it was, but it was definitely the lowest probability and best possible timing for a thing to happen.

Back when I was farming General Veers, this was right after Imperial Troopers got their rework and I still didn't have him unlocked, I would do his hard node every day and finally got to 49/50. So at the end of the day I spent all my ally points on bronzium packs, as usual, and get the 50th shard and thought, "Oh, great! I should go unlock him now! Eh, I've got enough for one more pack, it won't take too long to open." So I opened the next bronzium pack and inside was a full Veers. So not only was I able to unlock him, but I got him to 4* and had 20 shards towards his 5th star.

This was before the change to repeat character pulls, too, so setting aside that had I closed the window and unlocked him then come back I wouldn't have gotten the full Veers, even if I had gotten him I'd have only gotten I think 25 shards?

So share up, what's the best luck you've had? Not necessarily the best outcome, but the most improbable thing. The game has such a playerbase that a one-in-a-million outcome is going to happen to someone every day.

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