Forum Discussion

DragonKnight90's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

Best Move Ever

Literally best decision I’ve ever made for this money grabbing overinflated game. If it didn’t have Star Wars in the name this game would’ve died years ago, glad to be gone with it

8 Replies

  • MR37HAT's avatar
    Rising Spectator
    2 years ago
    That’s a lot of valuable hours you will have back in your life. I applaud you for making a hard choice and admitting to yourself the addiction if it really was a problem for you.
  • Well done for the life changing decision you took!
    And good luck with whatever you will decide next.

  • Goodbye and good luck , hope the next game you choose brings you pleasure
  • I quit once for like 8 months. Didn't delete my account. What i found was that this game was a good time filler when you have 25 minutes or to kill. So I jumped back in, was further behind than before, but didn't care as its all relative. The game is a time filler not a lifetime pursuit. Really enjoy spending 20 or 30 minutes in a day playing and challenging wits against people in GAC. Each to their own!