Light speeds
I know light speed bundles are becoming ever more popular because they are offering fully geared up characters at a relic status. I saw from a player I watch on YouTube, Courasant underworld, police is allegedly going to be for sale at relic9 status on April 1 for $4.99. I don’t know if that’s just supposed to be funny or whatever but if it’s true, for five bucks, I would buy it.. but this brings me to my real topic… Not bragging just explaining , I currently have six out of the nine galactic legends unlocked, and I also have many of the bonus character chases unlocked as well like Dr. Aphra, Malak, CAT, GAS, etc… nowhere on any toon chase is your regular storm trooper required at all certain gear or relic status at all. Isn’t that strange? I mean your regular run of the mill empire storm trooper…. Just left out in the cold. When I think Star Wars, obviously I think of your main characters like Luke and Yoda but also storm troopers. Those guys are pivotal to the story! They should do a light speed bundle with a relic nine storm trooper.. I would even pay 5-10 bucks for it. Seriously though it seems strange that such a fundamental character would be left out of the mix. Thoughts?9Views0likes4CommentsR5-D4 Character Concept
Inspiration: A character from 'Star Wars- Episode IV: A New Hope', R5-D4 is best known as 'the R2 unit with the bad motivator'. In recent years, he's had a new lease on life in 'The Mandalorian: Season 3', as the droid Din Djarin recruits to help him during the retaking of Mandalore. He's a classic character, and will be a solid addition to the roster. Name: R5-D4 Relic Amplifier: Scomp Link Affiliation: Light Side, Support Tags: Droid, Rebel, Mandalorian Attacks and Abilities Basic: Careless Bump Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Daze and Tenacity Down for 2 turns. Then, call a random Droid, Rebel or Light Side Mandalorian ally to assist. Special 1: Atmosphere Analysis (Cooldown: 3) Inflict Expose and remove all Buffs on all enemies for 2 turns, which can't be Evaded or Resisted, then grant all Droid, Rebel and Light Side Mandalorian allies Foresight for 2 turns, and they gain 2% Turn Meter for each enemy Buff dispelled. Special 2: Bad Motivator (Cooldown: 8) (Zeta) R5-D4 instantly defeats himself, instantly defeating a target enemy and inflicting Expose, Ability Block, Stagger and Daze on all other enemies for 3 turns, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. Then, if all allies are either Droid, Rebel, or Light Side Mandalorian, R5-D4 is revived at 50% Health and Protection. This ability starts on cooldown. Every time an ally deals true damage to an enemy, reduce the cooldown of this ability by 1. Unique: Built for Adventure (Omicron) R5-D4 gains +50% Max Health and Protection for each Rebel ally, Droid ally, or Light Side Mandalorian ally. If either The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) or Bo-Katan (Mand'alor) are on the team, they will assist each time R5-D4 has a turn. While in 3v3 Grand Arenas: If either The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) or Bo-Katan (Mand'alor) are allies, Bad Motivator no longer starts on cooldown.220Views4likes3CommentsThe new bonus drops 28/3/2025
Honestly if you’re here then you know what I’m talking about. The bonus shards that came out on the 28/3/2025 its not that the shards aren’t valuable but it’s more-soe that they are useless to 90% of players, who do character shards that are exclusive to proving grounds ? they’re useless to new players, they’re useless to late players and to those in-between. The only time I find these character drops to be useful is to those people who have 3 starred proving grounds… have that influx of regular shards and are wanting these specific characters to those who don’t or can’t do proving grounds consistently we’re talking 330 shards, unless your hitting that number of shards in this event it’s useless because you cannot get the rest that fill it up (making it basically useless) bonus events used to make sense, they’d throw out niche characters that people used to forget and rewarded those who had them with omegas and zetas, now idk wtf cg is doing .. nobody’s gonna buy theses characters or get them on one event, they’re not going to get the zetas without being a veteran of the game .. just why?635Views2likes10CommentsCharacter idea: Ewok Jedi
Unit Name: Ewok Jedi Affilation: Light Side Tags: Ewok, Jedi First appearing in the Legends book Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, around 4 ABY at least one Ewok was discovered to be force-sensitive. This Ewok would wield a blue colored lightsaber and wore blue Jedi garments. They were seen saving their fellow Ewoks from Sanyassan attackers.194Views3likes5CommentsCheating is… ok?
Assuming it’s all good to cheat in this game.? Same cheaters in my shard since November. 0% chance he beats my Executor team with a home one with 5-6 star ships all g12 chars n under. On auto I beat em in less than 15 secs. Fun part is I’ve reported em multiple times since November and they’re STILL having the time of their lives. So is it fair to assume I should just go and cheat too? Clearly they’re doing nothing about them. And every day they take away my rank 1 reward is another day I lose premium currency to a cheater.132Views0likes1CommentUNFAIR error during GAC
Long story short I used my average traya team to battle my GAC opponent The opponent team is geos so I slice through like butter BUT… Nice tyvm… my win got voided As I didn’t get a win even tho I beat the opposing team… and I did not even get any banners…. Well there goes another round of how unfair can the game treat me today! thanks for reading my rant120Views2likes2CommentsDroid Commando Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: Commando Droids was designed for infiltration and action behind enemy lines. And Grievous' squad need reinforcement). Key Attributes: -A very nasty Separatist droid. -A great addition to General Grievous' squad. -Ensures the survivability of allied Separatist droids. Unit Name: Droid Commando Affiliation: Dark Side Tags: Attacker, Droid, Separatist Abilities: BASIC: Enhanced Targeting System Deals physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 1 turn. If all allies are Separatists, the Droid Commando dispels all buffs from the target. If all allies are Droids, inflicts Target Lock to target enemy for 2 turns. Target Lock: Deals physical damage 2 more times. SPECIAL 1: Explosion Chain (CD=3) Deals special damage to all enemies and Daze them for 2 turns. All allied Droids gain a Protection Up (40%) for 3 turns and gains +20% Turn Meter. All allied Separatists dispel all debuffs from themselves and gains +40% Turn Meter. Target ally attacks, dealing 20% more damage, then the Droid Commando comes to assist and gains Stealth for 2 turns. Allied Leader and Droid Commando gain +30% Max Health for the rest of the battle (stacks, max 120%). SPECIAL 2: Vibrosword Flourish (CD=4) (Omicron) Deals physical damage to target enemy, stun them for 1 turn, and inflict Armor Shred for the rest of the battle. Then deals physical damage to all enemies and inflicts Defense Down and Stagger on them for 2 turns. Calls all droid allies to assist. Separatist allies gain Advantage and Foresight for 2 turns. If this attack kills an enemy, the Droid Commando gains +100% Turn Meter and the cooldown of this ability is reset. Enemies killed by this ability cannot be resurrected. While in Territory Wars: Stun lasts 2 turns and cannot be dispelled or resisted. Inflicts Offence Down on all enemies for 2 turns. If the enemy target is below 20% of Max Health after this attack, the target is instantly destroyed. This attack cannot be dodged. UNIQUE: BX-Series Commando Droid (Zeta) Separatist Droid allies gain +50% Max Health and Accuracy. Whenever the Droid Commando deals damage on its turn, it gains Stealth for 1 turn. Whenever the Droid Commando deals damage while Stealthed, it deals 25% more damage. Whenever the Droid Commando loses Stealth, it gains Foresight for 1 turn. The Droid Commando deals double damage to enemies with a target lock. Each time an allied Separatist Droid deals damage, the Droid Commando has a 70% chance to come to to assist (limit once per turn). The Droid Commando is immune to damage as long as it has stealth and at least one ally is alive.99Views0likes2Comments