Forum Discussion

Netchu's avatar
8 years ago

Biggs And Wedge WAY OP

I've come across them several times and have had ALL of my characters wiped out by just these two. They need to be nerfed, they are extremely over powered. Pray you don't critical hit them and that they don't get any bonuses against you. There have been times they went 4 turns before I even got a single turn. How is this balanced?
  • Maybe, my shard is an anomaly then, I don't know... I think I started using JE at 5 or 6*, but it did take a very long time to farm him since Guild shipments was the only way to do so. I started farming him after I completed Rey, which was a mistake on my part, though Rey was very helpful with my team with no synergy, and in doing a lot of damage in the Rancor raid. I decided rather late to run droids. I don't remember what everyone was using before level 69 then though I don't recall seeing more than 1 or 2 droid teams. I know IOS users got Wedge for free at one point.
  • "Mzee;919736" wrote:
    Maybe, my shard is an anomaly then, I don't know... I think I started using JE at 5 or 6*, but it did take a very long time to farm him since Guild shipments was the only way to do so. I started farming him after I completed Rey, which was a mistake on my part, though Rey was very helpful with my team with no synergy, and in doing a lot of damage in the Rancor raid. I decided rather late to run droids. I don't remember what everyone was using before level 69 then though I don't recall seeing more than 1 or 2 droid teams. I know IOS users got Wedge for free at one point.

    Android users also got a free 86 and 88. You seem to have started around the time wiggs got buffed.
  • please don't make it about iOS vs android. trivial gifts in the grand scheme of things.
    Wiggs simply isn't OP. In my opinion no one gave a valid reason to nerf wiggs in this thread. Too common and a hard to farm counter aren't good enough reasons to justify a nerf.
  • Wiggs and Wiggs/Chaze teams are primary in my shard still, but are not even OP imho. Late Dec 2016 Shard.
    8 out of the top 10 are Wiggs, and 2 of those 8 are Wiggs/Chaze. I end up around 2nd - 4th daily, and do not run a single character from those teams, or droids. Only one of them, I can not beat ( Wiggs/Chaze ), but am getting closer everyday, with more trial and error I will get there, or move on to a different team that can get there.
    It is beatable, just takes creative ( or researching ) effort to find out what works best for you on your shard.
    Find the weakness and farm out the characters that can exploit their weakness. Many of them are listed here already, but there are others ^^
  • "Perdogie;921487" wrote:
    I agree that it's unbalanced in the sense that Wiggs is murder against practically every team except Empire. On the shard I've been on for over a year, the top 50 is all Wiggs or Empire. When a shard is saturated with a 2 toon combo and alternately the one squad that's good at countering it, it would seem that there's a power balance issue. This doesn't promote any diversity in a ~150 toon roster.
    Removing the +75% crit damage bonus from Biggs' assist wouldn't be the end of the world and they'd still be powerful AF. Nearly ever other assist ability in the game applies a damage penalty. Phasma needs a Zeta to remove her damage penalty. Right now their assist combo is even more powerful than Cody's, which can call your entire squad to assist (doesn't help that Cody considers himself as an assist which applies damage penalty to his own attack. Bug?)

    I don't run empire and i dunk on wiggs daily.
  • "Perdogie;921539" wrote:
    "Darklin_Sil;921515" wrote:
    "Mullato;921498" wrote:

    I don't run empire and i dunk on wiggs daily.


    Curious who you guys use

    michael jordan :D
  • "Perdogie;921539" wrote:
    "Darklin_Sil;921515" wrote:
    "Mullato;921498" wrote:

    I don't run empire and i dunk on wiggs daily.


    Curious who you guys use

    PM'ed you a link