Forum Discussion

mr_mallor's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 hours ago


Am I the only one who believes SLKR needs to have his ultimate nerfed? No other GL can drop their ultimate back-to-back-to-back-to-back and essentially be completely invincible from the moment they first pop their ult, all while dishing out obscene amounts of ever-increasing damage.

I would love to see some sort of balance here, perhaps at least a two turn ult cooldown, or make SLKR susceptible to debuffs such as armor shred even during his ult, or a slower initial charge rate, or SLKR gains ult charge at half the rate after the first use... really anything to break up his infinite cycle of indefinitely being in his ult. IMO, he wasn't that great in the movies (see SLKR defeated by an entirely untrained Rey) and he certainly shouldn't be top dog in the game.

  • I don't think he needs a nerf. Once his allies are dead, and his kit does nearly nothing to stop this, the supply of crits for his ult decreases.

    The stats on gg don't look like he's invincible to me. He can be beaten by every other GL and Bane. Starkiller and jedi can beat some comps. Other GLs have less counters than him.

    I just disagree.