"Gannon;c-1724205" wrote:
Same goes for JtrP0. It's pretty neat and can easily get 10% in str p1, but by no means infinite
the jtr with 3PO in p1 likely won't be nerfed. I got about 15% with it with one try but doubt it can do much more than that. 3PO speeds up the team and surprisingly does well at g8 and makes it where everyone dodged a lot more taking a lot of the rng out. But there were no loops so likely won't be nerfed.
From what I've seen of the Finn lead hstr team, if done correctly, it createsba near infinite loop so it may be nerfed.
I personally don't care either way. If it stays I'll zeta finn and use 3PO in p3 and jtr as was in p1. If they nerf it, I'll use 3PO in p1 and still be competitive.
Either way 3PO makes hstr easier for any guild that gets him to complete than it was before he came out.