Forum Discussion

jayjonbeach's avatar
6 years ago

C3PO unlock (5 star only) BARE MINIMUM???

Title says it all really. I am hoping to have: Chirpa, Teebo, Elder, Paploo, Logray, hopefully G8

I may have to sub out Logray and put in scout as I need 20 more shard and he is rare in Guild store

I've heard Wicket is the MVP and I won't have him


12 Replies

  • Don't think I'll get enough Logray shards in a week for 5* unlock, but oh well. Next time, Golden Rod, next time.
  • got him!!!!!!!!! used team in op, all g8 but ee &chirpa g9. chirpa zeta 1 omega, logray 1 omega, no other omega's, this is really a bare minimumt about 75 runs.. worst part is not being able to hide ee, i almost geared up scout, but wasn't sure who i would take out