"JeanGuyLaTouffe;c-2371236" wrote:
They should disable the event since they know there is an issue
I m on 9/10 for the ultimate, need only 1 last battle to unlock the ultimate. I was so excited to get it that i ve burnt 4650 crystals in DS battle to get tickets (before CG said there was an issue, obviously). Went for a test today, basically i try tier 5 each day to see if it’s back online. But, because the event is not disabled and that i made it too fast, I ve lost an other 70 tickets, and 4650 in the operation. I don’t mind for the tickrts, i can stack them slowly since the event is bugged, but man I want my 4650 crystals back
It hurts players, so why bother I guess. If, on the flip side, replaying a T5 battle GAVE players 70 tickets back, the event would be disabled so fast it'd make your head spin.