Forum Discussion

Enye164's avatar
8 years ago

Character Rework Requests

Hello, these are the characters we (as a collective) would like to request (kit) reworks to be done to :

1.) Mace Windu & the Endurance
- I've only started playing mid January2017, I admit I still have a lot to learn but as I understand, Mace is a character that has been in and out of the workshop for quite some time now. I notice his "Shatterpoint" does not feel too impressive in the game, especially when "Mace Windu" as a character in the StarWars universe is hailed as a one of a kind Jedi with uncanny speed and clever abilities. His Capital Ship, the Endurance, (I feel) needs a bit of rework as well. "Hold Fast" feels too limiting i.m.o. Not sure if other level85 players still use the Endurance, but I rarely use the ability "Hold Fast" with my lineup and my roster of players in Fleet Arena.

2.) Cad Bane - this character seems extremely clever in the CloneWars series, he can temporarily fly, he has that adorably evil Todo360 as his sidekick droid, and well, let's face it, this charismatic ClintEastwood-ish character is supposed to be tricky, deceitful, but can be straight forward when he wants to. He's feared at par (some would argue second or better) to JangoFett. I'm hoping he gets a nice rework too!! His Leader Ability and Unique lack those above mentioned attributes.

3.) Old Ben - this man needs a Taunt i.m.o. (short and sweet)

4.) Han Solo
- I have not experienced any Heroic raid yet, but I do not see a lot of people using "Han Solo" in-game, and I think there should be an incentive for WANTING to unlock a 5* (or better) HanSolo that's going to be used not just for Credit Heists or TrainingDroid Smuggling events.

5.) General Grievous - yet another character I still don't have, but since I do not see a lot of him in the Arena nor GW, I think he should get a rework as well to entice players to unlock him.

6.) Chewbacca - yet another iconic character with very minimal end-game qualities.

7.) Bounty Hunter faction - needs more improvement as a competitive faction that can possibly challenge the more renowned builds in the Arena and GW.

thank you for reading, good luck to all of us and enjoy!

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