Hiya and g'morning!
We know that our players desire as much advanced notice on schedules as possible to maximize their enjoyment. I also hope notice has been given our increased focus on communication to the community over the past months. This was a great thread and a sincere question and I wanted to address it.
I'm working to keep the updates complete and to the players as soon as we're ready, and able to get them to you. I also diligently work to keep Monthly calendars up to date.
However, we do have 'plans within plans'
Meaning, IF you see some thing odd like, 'Why don't they announce Generic Event' my answer MIGHT be, 'Reasons I can't explain, but there were reasons.'
These reasons sometimes may become obvious to players who are watching our schedule with a deductive mind and puzzling the hints I always try to provide. Others will not see, and others you won't have enough information to deduce. However, there are always reasons. I know this isn't the dramatic pull of the curtain to reveal all the things you may of desired, but please understand there is no benefit to us or our players by keeping things under the hood for reasons that're nefarious.
So, I'm officially letting you know, 'For reasons I can't explain' :wink:
Thanks for the question!