I don't get, I simply Do. Not. Get. It.
How do lack of information result in more cash for the GC/EA? Sure panic farming and packs generate revenue, but I'm sure everybody gets that is like urinating in your pants to keep warm - very short sighted.
There are different kinds of players, and you want to as many of them happy as possible. The ones your alienate most with this "non-communication strategy" (I'm sorry @CG_Kozispoon you come of as really trying to do good, but I for one don't feel the results of a new communication strategy) is the hardcore players like me. We hang around the forums, participate in the community, make guilds, help each other and new players, are active in guilds etc.- But we don't feel like we get anything in return from GC*.
* correction, we get cool animated gifs, and I love them, but... :/ That is a mistake. Always,
always support the community, that is simple business really. I would take the current communication and expand upon and call phase 3. And add 2 phases.
- Phase 1 would be teasing. You sometimes do it like with Nihilus and now the Phoenix zeta's. BUT it should be happening months in advance and systematically (and most likely with a clause about "work in progress, use at your own risk). This will give the community theories, people can take risks in farming this or that toon. It gives hype and the hardcore commitment and "something in return".
- Phase 2 should happen about 1 month ahead of things.It could be information like "7* capital ships are arriving in October, 7* ships will be needed". "Thrawn event will return every 4 months", "Nightsisters faction rework will arrive next month" and so forth. "The road ahead" do some of this, but is too infrequent and do not give enough details. This phase should give everybody hype and dedicated players options and purpose.
- Phase 3 should happen ~1 week before events/changes and should also appear in game. Tell EVERYTHING: "This is what you get, this is what you need".It gives all players the needed information (and keeps you from appearing like o:) ). Remember that we pay your for this game and people usually prefer to know what they pay for and why.
Please remember above all else:
do not alienate your fans (yes, we love the game, otherwise we wouldn't bother!