"DarjeloSalas;c-2432396" wrote:
Again - for you. I’ve no problem with you saying you found it harder, but that’s not the feeling I get when reading this thread.
If it was harder for someone who doesn’t have a wide enough roster to complete Conquest, that doesn’t equate to them making it harder across the board.
I completed conquest...kinf of...got to last round...still didnt try it. What i TRULY believe they did was make it slightly harder to go trough (hence removing disks) and a reasonable bit harder to get the datacron materials...this last part is not disk related...the previous "bonus" nodes were way easier than the last in the sector. Players with a strong enough roster to be already in "cruise" mode won't notice much...my last runs in Medium i also thought everything was easy.
I just dont know why you still think that the "recommended" team for final node is still as easy as before...but as this may depend on mods/disks it may be me missing something. I mean the bonus node that should be done with droids, IT, Galactic Republic...whatever team provides feats on the sector...BUT you said above you diodnt notice it...