Forum Discussion

phatphil3's avatar
8 years ago

Continue Mission Option

One thing I wish was incorporated was an option to go back into a combat mission and attempt to finish the waves you didn't complete. This could be exactly like galactic war and territory wars. Keep the enemy cooldowns and health/protection the same but allow us to finish them off. I think this could add a very interesting mechanic to territory battles because it still requires you to have good teams but allows for a chance to fix a mistake you made or finish off a troublesome wave.

Especially with the increased difficulty in platoons I think adding this feature would be a great addition and add to the overall player's enjoyment. I would still keep the mission requirements the same, like the phoenix mission would only a one chance kind of deal but for other combat missions, I think this would be great.
  • If CG would do us this kind of favour next thing they did was to put P2W toons in platoons in P1-P3 and increase difficulty of combats by factor 3. Be careful what you wish for.
  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    They'd have to balance that somehow, like you only get 50% of the deployment of the heroes you use to continue, then 25% on the next attempt, then none. But really, do you want to prolong TBs any more than they already are? I can't wait for this one to be over.