Lol people saying that is the same RNG in all nodes not understand the game formulas. The formula is different in every node depending of the gears rewards, the mk number and the category of every gear. If in one node there is 3 grey gears you will get one concrete gear 40% of times, when is 2 grey gears is 50% chance to get one concrete gear, if is green and grey then the chance is not 50% for the green, maybe is 33% for the green and 50% for the grey, so it depends of the other gears. For example is easy get keypads mk5 in the 5K LS, when also is a purple gear and also mk5, like the stun cuff, but is much more easy because only there is purple and green, also is easy get blastech mk8 in the 5H LS because also is purple and green, but a little harder because is mk8 instead of mk5. The gears mk9 also are harder to get than the mk8 or mk5.
So the rate and RNG is not the same for all the nodes, there is gears that have 80% chance, others 50%, others 40%, others 30% or 20% depending of different factors.

When the purple gears has green and grey as other gear rewards the rate for the purple gear is better than when the other gears are green and blue, and is easy check it because in these purple-blue-grey nodes I get a lot of times 2/5, 3/5 or 4/5 when in the purple-blue-green nodes almost always is 1/5 and only sometimes 2/5, almost never 3/5 and 4/5, like in the 6A LS also is possible check it, is hard get holoprojectors there, when get carbanti in the 6G DS is very easy, so it means that are different rates.