Forum Discussion

LetoAtreidesII's avatar
6 years ago

Current (Post-Zombie Revamp) Nightsister Teams for p3/p4?

So I'm in the process of farming a nightsister team for STR/HSTR and am a bit confused about the exact team composition of teams still viable after the zombie revamp.

I believe that any nightsister team consists of Asajj Ventress, Old Daka, Mother Talzin, Zombie, and X (variable). I'm not sure what X is after the zombie revamp.

Before the revamp, I believe X was Nightsister Initiate for p3 and Talia for p4. Is this still the case now? I've heard of Spirit being used as well. Also Chirrut in p4.
  • Any tips on when to cleanse in P4 ????

    I always seem to be riding the TM train doing good then I will cleanse and all of a sudden talia is at 0 Turn meter and I have to reset or double heal which leads to a reset anyway..

    I feel like if I could figure out when to cleanse I could solo nihlus in P4 my zombie can heal Talia as long as it's under 20... something always seems to mess me up...

    Nihlus dodging Talia stops the train but that is what it is..... Somehow when I cleanse Talias turn meter get's wiped...what am I doing wrong (I only cleanse with assaj, talzin, or daka
  • (Edit to include relevant link)

    I'm pretty consistently pulling 38-48% of DN (and around 5-15% of Sion, higher numbers depends on catching a lucky break and getting some plague early on) with g11 zombie/everybody else g12. And in spite of the mocking from guild and alliance mates, I do have a 6E accuracy arrow on Talia. it really helps, with that 30% bonus I have only missed with her once in 7 raids. (Pretty much my only restarts now are a random DN dispel zombie then annihilate somebody else.)

    I feel like I am closing in on a solo too, but I just don't have the offense secondaries across the board (made a decent team for every phase instead of one or two uber teams) to push the huge damage numbers out yet.

    I've been cleansing at around 12-15 stacks since that is about as high as my zombie can safely heal the squad (occasionally coin flip on who goes runs that as high as the low 20's, but I try to avoid that).

    I've never noticed Talia losing TM as part of a cleanse, are you sure you just aren't pushing it a little too far and not quite getting her health to 100%.

    There is also another thread in here where @BOB0_FETT has been doing some amazing solo work replacing zombie with Chirrut, so if you have Chewbacca or BH for phase 3 (or your guild can spare losing a Chex mix team or two) I'd highly recommend giving that a try (gearing up my Chirrut for this, tried last night and couldn't keep it going with a G8 Chirrut).
  • "Dk_rek;c-1694907" wrote:
    Any tips on when to cleanse in P4 ????

    I always seem to be riding the TM train doing good then I will cleanse and all of a sudden talia is at 0 Turn meter and I have to reset or double heal which leads to a reset anyway..

    I feel like if I could figure out when to cleanse I could solo nihlus in P4 my zombie can heal Talia as long as it's under 20... something always seems to mess me up...

    Nihlus dodging Talia stops the train but that is what it is..... Somehow when I cleanse Talias turn meter get's wiped...what am I doing wrong (I only cleanse with assaj, talzin, or daka

    @Dk_rek I always cleanse with Daka, if you do it with anyone else you're sacrificing damage (or in Talia's case sacrificing TM gain, as you know). There are rare occasions where you might have to do it with Assaj or Talzin but that should only be if you're getting to high on BOW and you can't with Daka.

    Cleansing BOW does not affect anyone's TM. I've never seen this happen before.
  • CYG77's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I just finally got my NS to 7 star.
    What would be the optimum Gear level I should target.

    I see some have previously mentioned keeping certain toons at lower gear levels.
  • The mechanics didn't change since then, so:

    Fat zombie for p3 - g8+ zombie for p4.
    Paper Talzin / NI / spirit makes setting up a good p3 run easier.