Basic: Final word. Deal special damage to target enemy. If target enemy evades, dispel all buff on them and call a random ally to assist. If target enemy counters, attack again and apply healing immunity for 1 turn. This second attack cannot be countered.
Special 1: Corrupt (3). Remove all buffs from all enemies and apply the opposite debuff on them instead (if applicable). This attack cannot be evaded. For each buff removed, Sith allies recover 10% protection and Old Republic allies gain 10% Potency and Defense Penetration until the end of the battle (stacking).
Special 2: Kill them all (4). Apply marked on all enemies (enemies who had taunt or stealth gain deathmark instead) for 2 turns, which cannot be resisted, then call all Old Republic allies (including Dath Revan) to assist against random enemies. Reduce the cooldown of this ability by 1 every time an enemy gains taunt or stealth.
Lead: Vengeance Upon the Enemies of the Republic. At the start of the battle, for each enemy that isn't either Old Republic or Sith, all Old Republic and Sith allies gain 10% max health, max protection and counter chance. Old Republic and Sith allies are immune to daze and gain 10% turn meter whenever they take damage. Old Republic allies also gain 20% defense, protection up, and critical avoidance (stacking) for 1 turn. Sith allies also gain 20% offense and health steal (stacking) for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy applies a debuff to an old republic ally, that enemy gains a copy of that debuff for one turn. Whenever an enemy evades or resists a debuff from a sith ally, that ally gains 10% turn meter. Jedi allies have -50% offense and -50 speed.
Unique 1: Villain. Reduce all healing (except health steal) by 25%. If Darth Revan is in the lead slot, reduce healing by 50% for enemies and no characters can be revived (enemy or ally).
Unique 2: Conqueror. Whenever an ally is defeated, all other Old Republic and Sith allies gain 50% turn meter. Whenever an enemy is defeated, Old Republic and Sith allies reduce their cooldowns by 1. These effects are doubled if Darth Revan is in the lead slot.
I would like to see more Old Republic synergy with Darth Revan, since OR are pretty much worthless with JKR unless they are also Jedi. Would be particularly fun to use with Mission and Zaalbar...