3 years agoNew Adventurer
datacron economy changes
Just a little feedback on the new datacron economy changes, with data
The goal of simplifying where to find materials was met. But the goal of better balancing farming and excess datacrons was not.
Right now, datacache and crons are inextricably linked since the best datacache drop rate is sector 1 (low data on sector 2 so far, but over around a hundred recorded sector 1 hits).
For each node, average yield is 85 datacache and 20% chance of a datacron.
For the datacache required to raise a datacron to level 9 (7.5 million), this requires ~88 repeats of sector 1 bonus node. This will on average give us 16-17 new level 0 datacrons.
Just to go from level 6 to level 9 (4.75m datacache), we will on average end up with 4750/85 * .2 = 11 datacrons.
If you want to decouple the excess datacrons, you will need to make data cache accessible across all levels of upgrade materials; your current strategy will fail.
Last conquest, datacache dropped in higher node levels at higher rates, reflective of the massively increases datacache cost of the last few levels of upgrades. I miss that!
The goal of simplifying where to find materials was met. But the goal of better balancing farming and excess datacrons was not.
Right now, datacache and crons are inextricably linked since the best datacache drop rate is sector 1 (low data on sector 2 so far, but over around a hundred recorded sector 1 hits).
For each node, average yield is 85 datacache and 20% chance of a datacron.
For the datacache required to raise a datacron to level 9 (7.5 million), this requires ~88 repeats of sector 1 bonus node. This will on average give us 16-17 new level 0 datacrons.
Just to go from level 6 to level 9 (4.75m datacache), we will on average end up with 4750/85 * .2 = 11 datacrons.
If you want to decouple the excess datacrons, you will need to make data cache accessible across all levels of upgrade materials; your current strategy will fail.
Last conquest, datacache dropped in higher node levels at higher rates, reflective of the massively increases datacache cost of the last few levels of upgrades. I miss that!