"scuba;c-1388636" wrote:
"Edward;c-1388419" wrote:
"CG_NotReallyAJedi;c-1388321" wrote:
"Snooze135;c-1388311" wrote:
"Liath;c-1388302" wrote:
"Snooze135;c-1388289" wrote:
"Iy4oy4s;c-1388227" wrote:
Someone post a TL:DW summary please.
For those wondering what was said about Rey.... She is expected by CG to be the best defensive character in the game to date. This is due to the focus of her kit being angled towards that as well as recent changes to their AI. The Dev team fully expects her to hold her own and even overthrow CLS in Arena. BB8 is the first hint towards an all-star team that was mentioned that she is included in. Overall we'll have to see what her capabilities are when we get our hands on her Friday!
I don't think he really said that she would overthrow CLS in arena. More that she wasn't meant to be as powerful as he was overall, but that she could beat him (and destroy Zarriss) in the right team. He also said that she was meant to dethrone Finn as the resistance leader.
Watch Warriors video. That's what he says (at exactly 11:20 into the video). In the other videos he retracts that to more of a stance that she will hold her own in the current meta.
Yeah, it's a bit of a mis-speak on my part. I don't mean "overthrow" as in "No more CLS in the meta". She should consistently beat CLS, though.
I hope this is not another misstatement, a tank Rey should consistently beat CLS...
Yes but if a cls consistently beats a tank Rey is it really a change/nudge etc in arena?
I expect to see her in teams but she will just replace one of the other 4 on the team not much change.
It is all wait and see I guess but I don't see a change from cls lead nor do I see players that don't get Rey having anything to worry about.
I will say I like the way most new characters leads Uniques are going more faction based and not apply to all so keep up the good work there.
Outside of the Warrior video, he consistently stated that she can / will be able to beat CLS, but that they didn't want her to surpass CLS as it would create balance issues they may would have a difficult time ever walking back. So, I agree that it may not change anything if it isn't good enough to force people to build it or she's not widely owned. Similar to NS as they are great vs. CLS and many teams, but they're paywalled and just recently new so their impact is lower than what it should be. From watching the other videos a few things that stood out to me:
- In relation to the DS Love commentary ... response that in the end Star Wars is a story about rebels and a rebellion. He did note that DS love was coming, but it was heavily qualified with priorities, etc. I took this to read that they view the LS bias as justified and to expect LS / Rebel / Res characters - even if they are small bit players like Wiggs - to lead the game generally..... "The whole series of Star Wars is built around the rebels"
- Revan wasn't ruled out totally, but isn't on the current character list - the thought of Revan was initially played down pretty hard so doesn't seem there's much smoke there to get Revan in the game anytime soon
- Rey AI seems to have a new level of proficiency and the AI will use her kit well relative to most other characters on defense so she should be a viable defensive team in TW or arena generally (personally I think there should be a qualifier here on defensive performance vs. AI performance - no matter how dumb Han's AI is, him blowing something away in turn 1 is still good "defense" - and no matter how good CUP's AI is programmed to use his kit he won't be better than Han on defense)
- BB8 is key to Rey's performance
- Historically and going forward, the AI was intentionally left poor to so that players could successfully win on offense, especially those outside of the top 2% of all players (they want players to have the happy feels)
- Resistance expose targeted was discussed specifically regarding defense, but the skill is so OP they didn't want to make that change to the AI
- Rey's heal block / lock was built specifically with GK / Barriss in mind
- KRU was made a tank out of necessity because FO didn't have a solid tank that filled a role
- Wasn't happy with balance of DS TB - is happy with balance of LS TB - seems DS TB is due for a re-tune of the difficulty in some way (clearly implied, but not directly stated)
Those were the main points I took from the interviews.