Forum Discussion

Jwoody1987's avatar
8 years ago

DEVS - Thrawn difficulty - FIX IT please

Spent months leveling PS based on difficulty in the past. Can't get close in last stage on 7*. Please correct the difficulty. No doubt in my mind you guys amped up the difficulty.

30 Replies

  • "Jerrick_Kharr87;c-1301760" wrote:
    "Garmaddon;c-1301754" wrote:
    Can you swap Sabine for chopper. Choppers taunts and debuff work well

    Yes I have a chopper at 7* but only gear 7 because I thought my team was reasonable enough to get Thrawn. I didn't think it would take everyone at gear 11.

    It doesn't take gear 11, it just takes Chopper.

    Chopper's basic will buff your people, and because of his unique's 30% chance to assist you'll be seeing quite a few of those. It also reduces the cooldowns on the buffed character, which is helpful but a little too random to really rely on.

    It can taunt, which takes the pressure off Kanan and allows you to take advantage of his counterattacks longer. Moreover, while taunting it'll be counterattacking via Kanan's unique and providing more buffs. The evasion is nice, but not really necessary, and sometimes you'd rather get the counterattack off.

    It provides another cleanse so you aren't relying solely on Ezra to break the Stormtrooper's taunt.

    Its unique combines excellently with Zeb's to give you 15% health and protection gain every turn, as well as providing you with bonus protection on every other attack (which effectively equates to 7.5% damage reduction on every attack, though not really--but it's a handy way to think of it).

    Combine all that utility and compare it to what Sabine brings to the table: She hits things pretty okay.

    Folks, it's easy: STOP USING SABINE.
  • My team was G9, except for G10 Ezra. Average mods. No omegas. Couldn’t beat it. Added the unique omega to everyone and then beat it on my first try. That’s what did it for me.
  • Big thing, you shouldn't have to be forced to use Chopper if you focussed on Sabine, that is not at all fair, honestly. If we needed to use Chopper, they should have said, "You will need Chopper and the rest of Phoenix Squad." They should make sure they stick to the thing of "You need Phoenix squad" and fix this so that Sabine is a viable option, that or level everyones Chopper who focused instead on Sabine...also, why do we have such a difficult fight when the first time around people had it easy? How is that fair? It really isn't EA, you need to realize you messed up the first time, revert it back and just let people do the event to maintain fairness. You let that 'bug' run the full event...if it was a bug, then you should have fixed it first day.


    The mods on my Phoenix are the ones I used for the event. It can be done, it just took a lot of tries.
  • I didn't have PS strong enough to unlock Thrawn last time around so this time I also prepared. I managed to unlock him this time at 7* with Kanaan,Chopper, & Zeb at G8, Hera G9, and Ezra G10. Took me two tries (on last level) and I had to throw my arena mods onto the team in order to make them strong enough. RNG did play a part, but its doable. More importantly the difficulty is just right- not too hard but hard enough that completing the mission was rewarding. I can safely say that based off of all the preparation videos I watched and my experiences in completing the challenge, the difficulty of the event had not changed from what was to be expected. It was fair and well balanced. The DT's with the buff have to go ASAP then drop the rest of Thrawn's protection detail.
  • Plenty of people have competed it with gear 8 squads this time around. I wouldn't auto round 3 because you want to have all there abilities available for the final round. You need to debuff the taunt on the storm trooper then take out the 2 death troopers. If you focus on killing the taunting storm trooper then you will fail. Zebs stunning on thrawn is also key
  • I beat him with this on the first attempt for 6* and 7*;

    Hera: Lvl 81 (G8, 159 speed)
    Ezra: Lvl 85 (G9, 149 speed)
    Kanan: Lvl 85 (G8, 118 speed)
    Chopper: Lvl 83 (G8, 152 speed)
    Zeb: Lvl 85 (G8, 146 speed)

    4* and 5* mods, not particularly special, mostly health except Ezra with CC and CD. Chewed through the trooper waves with pretty much just basics and occasional specials to take out particularly annoying troops like the death troopers. Upon reaching Thrawn, I simply tore down the buffs on the DT's (Ezra and Chopper dispels, Ezra was able to actually Dispel both troopers). Kanan took the first fracture, but Chopper taunted and weathered the storm with Hera's buff. Basically just burned down the DT's first, then the healer in the back. Chopper ended up soaking the second fracture with taunt as Kanan taunted and took the heat off everyone else. Literally first try burned him down. Screw trying to struggle with Sabine, Chopper rolled it.

    (Edit: Yes, I completed it this time, not last time when it was supposedly easier)
  • "Lumovanis;c-1302792" wrote:
    (Edit: Yes, I completed it this time, not last time when it was supposedly easier)

    I didn't even unlock Thrawn last time, but I was very active on the board and have a good memory. I remember largely the same complaints last time: "I can't do it, my dudes die too fast, people who say they're doing it with g8 are liars," etc.

    I'll say this much, though--after the first Territory Battle people were talking here about how they were pleasantly surprised that their undergeared, nearly unmodded, not very good Phoenix Squads were doing really well in their Combat Mission. There were some folks saying their Phoenix Squad did badly, and the split seemed to boil down to who was using Sabine and who was using Chopper. Folks then started talking about Thrawn, as you do, and at least one person was saying how they had used Chopper the first time around and it was easy.

    So while the complaints were the same last time, at least a few people were aware of Chopper back then, too, and more people are aware this time. I think the folks who didn't finish it last time are the ones saying it was easier then, because that's the only explanation they can come up with about why so many people finished it--when, in actuality, they finished it last time with Chopper.
  • "snowhut;c-1301904" wrote:
    "TayloRen;c-1301769" wrote:
    I was hoping for MORE difficulty. Beat it in minutes so it was a bit anticlimactic. Maybe I over prepared.

    Well, g10/g11 toons will do that for you, won't they? You wanted it to be difficult, so you exceded the recommended minimum gear requirements. Makes sense.

    Recommended by who, CG? Oh that’s right, they don’t give you any guidance. You must mean the forums. Don’t have time to check them all the time and everyone has mixed messages about this event anyway.

    I went by my guild leader who swore it was the hardest event ever and you’d need minimum G10 across the board. Plus, you need them for TB and you can’t beat any TB mission with G8 scrubs.