Forum Discussion

JackCarter1969's avatar
8 years ago

Devs please implement these QOL changes

1. Allow guilds to start a raid at a certain time in the future and auto register all guild members as participants. This solves guilds having to impose a zero damage period and avoids arguments if people hit in the zero damage period.

2. Implement some way of selecting your highest available opponent in arena. A slider could work showing all possible opponents in your range, but if that is too much then make one of the three available battles the high rank.

3. Implement a high cost mode for nodes which removes rng frustration. For example for CHS allow a 48 energy mode that guarantees ONE CHS shard. The gamblers can try 48 energy in the normal way,giving the usual 0 to 3 shards.

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

  • Regarding 3, you may wonder about side loot. For example the Blaze node has some gold gear. You could do one of two things:
    1. Make a higher cost node that gives all, e.g. 80 energy for baze shard plus the gear, guaranteed.
    2. Keep energy at 60 and give baze shard, but do rng on other loot.

    I'd prefer the former for high value nodes .

    Same applies to non-shard nodes that drop just gear. I'd rather guarantee a cuff for 30 energy than play the rng game.
  • 1. Everyone is registered but someone solos it straight away. Sure, you kick them, but then you have to recruit. And it happens again.

    2. A simple slider instead, allowing the entire range to choose from.

    3. 100% guaranteed drops for everything. Raise all energy costs by no more than 100%