Forum Discussion

YungLean31's avatar
8 years ago

Director Krennic and Death Trooper viable without zetas?

I run a Zader squad and I want to put Death Trooper in, and I'm not sure if I want to add Director Krennic as well because of their synergy. I'm a long ways away from getting either of them to a decent gear or star level. I know for sure I'm gonna end up adding Death Trooper, but I'm curious what you guys think about adding director Krennic. Should I save up for a Zeta (for DT's unique) and really make an effort to invest in Krooper, or am I better off focusing solely on Death Trooper. My current squad is:


Thanks in advance for any feedback
  • I think you are better with just DT. Their synergy is nice but is it game changing? No.

    A zDT is better than non zeta obviously but it's not going to make you jump much higher in arena and won't make you score crazy numbers in raids. There are many zetas that have in the past, or are currently, making a big difference in those categories so if you don't have it ready to go or to spare, best save for the next shiny thing that comes out.
  • Krennic really needs to be maxed out to be good. Definatly isn't a toon you can half-arse.
  • They aren't fully realized until you have zetas on them both and the right surrounding cast...

    Amazing combo...

    The core of my team right now ;)
  • death is a must have in zader team, krennic is good, better of zidious in the current meta but you must max him, at 4* gear 11 is also weak, I use him but die too easly
  • DT is viable without his Zeta but I wouldn't recommend running Krennick until he has it.

    Mine is 5* G11 and even with the Zeta Krennick is usually the first to go.
  • I run zKrennic(l), zDT, zVeers, ShoreT, Rex, I can usually finish in top 5 and am cable of beating most teams outside of triple cleanse. Once I finish gearing my 6* Thrawn I'll swap out rex for him and should be able to consistently beat the triple cleanse teams. In his current state he does very well in GW with no zetas to help me with my trouble teams (zaul/triplecleanse).

    So they're definitely viable, but if you're going to do it you should definitely zeta DT, his TM gain when krennic gets hit is huge.