Forum Discussion

USAFmedic129's avatar
8 years ago

Dodge and avoidance

So quick question about game mechanics and advice requested.

How do you mod for dodge. I have gone several different scenarios where Luminara is lead, and I understand it's her mechanic, and missed 7 different times on 7 different toons, with her as lead. However, I just faced a clone Squad and had a similar outcome where I just plain missed 6 times in a row, dodge or avoidable or some such in green above the character being attacked.

Same with space battles. Ties and Wedge avoid every attack 90% of the computer controled time.

Is there a way to mod to overcome these? Is it accuracy and if so how much is a good number to have? I see the mod guide and appreciate the German fellow who put it together, it is invaluable, but until I get those mods what should I be aiming for in the mean time? Or is it better to just not mod until I get the right ones?

Thank you in advance
  • If it's you trying to increase your dodge, I'm not sure you can. If you're trying to hit frequently dodging enemies, accuracy is your friend. Not sure it's worth it at the expense of speed arrows though.
  • Both overcome dodge and dodge myself. Sorry if it was not clear.

    So accuracy negates enemy dodge.

    Is there a way to enhance dodge or avoidance?
  • "USAFmedic129;c-1269640" wrote:
    Both overcome dodge and dodge myself. Sorry if it was not clear.

    So accuracy negates enemy dodge.

    Is there a way to enhance dodge or avoidance?

    Only dodge leads: maul for siths, luminara for jedis (half other toons), dooku or old ben for mixed teams.

    Also, r2 adds accuracy to your whole team, and better that add accuracy arrows, use toons with unavoidable abilities / basics as han solo or thrawn.
  • Also "dodge down" effects like B2's primary, but those are rare and only work if they (surprise!) Didn't get dodged while trying to proc.