Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
5 years ago

Does p4 Fives have his zeta?

Since others have less health, can I burn through someone else to kill Fives? Or do I have to do Fives first because of the zeta.

  • He has his zeta, next time you target him, look at his ability. I'm stuck on p4 myself and I cant go any further. Over 200 tries and I'm done. I'll get droideka and B2 reliced for next time and call it good
  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    Thanks for the info.

    Droideka relic seems to be pretty important. I got it done without, but it took about 1 hour 45min. I doubt b2 really needs to be relic'd if you don't want to do it anyway just to boost the team. B2 needs potency, but you can get that from mods, and he doesn't need much speed, so you can get enough without the +20 from g12/right side.

    Droideka, though, hits huge with her special. I'd love to have an r5 DDK. Someday I'll have g12 finishers lying around and I'll drop one on Droideka, but for now I need all my Kyros for my shiny new GAS.

  • I spent what crystals I had I finish Eta-2 shaak ti, both were 93/100 before this last night. Couldnt buy gear and not having a g12 magma really didnt help me but I see way of doing it if I just get droideka to g13. Next time I'll get him for sure