Forum Discussion

banditmay19's avatar
6 years ago

Double drops???

Why are you not giving DOUBLE DROPS for upcoming REVAN EVENT???
Its the least thing you could do to help the players... Or did you just forget this was
viable option??
  • "Sirlagzalott;c-1671936" wrote:
    Everyone needs to stop whining. This is not new. FTP has typically had to wait for 2nd pass of new characters.

    Not true, and that's why people are upset. It has always been statistically possible before for a f2p to get each legendary/hero's journey character the first time if they guessed right which toons were needed and farmed aggressively.

    What's making people upset this time is that even players who spent decent money and bought all the packs and refreshed aggressively have no possibility of getting Revan the first time. That's very different that what happened before.
  • "Sirlagzalott;c-1671936" wrote:
    Everyone needs to stop whining. This is not new. FTP has typically had to wait for 2nd pass of new characters.

    P.S. We all want Double Drop event since the last one was around May.
  • "Sirlagzalott;c-1671936" wrote:
    Everyone needs to stop whining. This is not new. FTP has typically had to wait for 2nd pass of new characters.

    Well it is really. This is the first one that segregates the average spender from whales. I've spent about $500 since Dec 2015, and this event expects me to spend half of that in one go on one toon. It'll be the first 'legend/hero' I haven't obtained first time round as i won't be held to ransom. Lot of folk feeling the same. It's essentially saying 'your money's not good enough unless it's lots of money'
  • "SemiAsp;c-1671907" wrote:
    TRIPLE DROPS .....and all is forgiven :wink:

    I am not so sure about that.
  • Everyone needs to stop whining. This is not new. FTP has typically had to wait for 2nd pass of new characters.