"Vulture_droid;c-1298236" wrote:
Bb8's low health and protection coupled with his taunt make him too fragile for arena. I have been testing him in arena, and he dies before the 70 cooldown is reached 90% of the time.
I've theorycrafted a team that has him popping his cooldown after the enemy team has gone but once. It involves having Jawa Engineer modded to go last. That way the Aoes are up again after the enemy's first turn. Just have to get BB8 finished up and test it first. CLS shouldn't be too big a problem with R2 going 2nd after BB8 to smoke screen.
There's a group comp and turn by turn cooldown analysis here and in the following comp if you're interested: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/1280864/#Comment_1280864