Forum Discussion

mrboma's avatar
New Novice
4 years ago

Encouraging early GLs = poor roster construction

The coming changes announced that are strictly to protect the status of Galactic Legends are, in my opinion, a bad idea. I understand some of the changes having to do with ignoring defense are necessary long term. But others seem to be strictly to make GLs unassailable. This, in turn, encourages people to go for GLs very early in the game. That means ignoring a variety of factions to focus on just one. The result is shallow, top-heavy rosters with many holes, instead of deep, well-balanced rosters. SB Crumb said on the Gambit Podcast the other night that GLs are "end game" content. But that is simply not true. There is nothing that restricts young accounts from going for a GL. People in low divisions get GLs. They have little else in the their roster aside from one unbeatable squad and a second squad of lesser (sometimes complete crap) relic characters (I'm looking at you, Rose Tico). Is this what the Devs want? Because this is what they are pushing toward.
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