*CG doesn't increase hard node tries*
C'mOn CG, thAt'S nOt eNoUGh tRiEs tO fARm haRd NoDE cHarECteRs!
*CG increase hard node tries to 8(!!)*
C'mOn CG, thAt's nOT eNoUGh eNErgY tO fARm haRd NoDE cHarECteRs!
Ps. Please, Carrie, do us a favor by reducing the tries to 6 or 7 nodes. You know, a middle ground where people can't complain.. Lol not happening. XD
Pps. Oh yeah, gotta agree with that lol. Ship rework sucks, makes it insanely rng dependent. Just.., increase the ships to 5.