Forum Discussion

ShaunyVee's avatar
7 years ago

Ewoks HSTR

Ewoks in phase 2.

That is the question.

I don't have teebo maxed so currently can't do this myself.

But has anyone tested a Teebo (lead), Scout, Wicket, Paploo & Elder team.

I have the newest bears maxed and zeta'd. And am doing between 400-600K in phase 2.

I have a sneaky feeling that Teebos lead (stealth to avoid counters, Sion hits like a truck) and scouts damage will be more beneficial than chirpas lead (assist on special) and lograys specials.
  • I would've thought Paploo was crucial - any tips how you played that? Calls to assist etc?

    I had Paploo instead of logray and didn't do nearly as well as that
  • Paploo goes down too fast in heroic to be useful. He may be better at gear 12 but mines not there yet. put stealth on ee to protect him as he will be reviving a lot and needs to stay alive as long as possible. Use ee basic for tm gain unless heal / cleanse or revive is neccesary. Soothe everyone except wicket often, focus assassin, then hit sion with wicket / scout while others take out marauders. Logray does the usual prophetic vision (Try and time with chirpa mass assist call being available). Debuff sion taunt or offense up.

    I expect gear 12 for scout to up the damage on this a little bit more and other gear 12s to just increase survivability a bit more. If I ever get round to putting the new gear 12 pieces on wicket then that will give another small boost. Maxed ewoks could maybe get to 1.5 million.

    Fyi all this squad are around 200 speed. Wicket fastest for first turn aoe tm gain 40% with 4 crits (modded for max crit chance). Gets the tm ball rolling.

    Ewok Discord channel for all things murder bear related! There are peeps in there who have used paploo in STR and get similar damage to scout. Someone with a 2 million run too.