Forum Discussion

Jcalice98's avatar
4 years ago

Fallen Anakin GL incoming?

So thinking that Fallen Anakin will be the next GL to follow JMK.
If we had to predict what characters you would need for his journey, who would you think?
I definitely think
GAS? - maybe
Would love to hear thoughts

4 Replies

  • I dunno, which capital ship would be required for Anakin? Malevolence makes no sense, Negotiator again? The other issue with a Fallen Anakin GL is the absence of suitable obscure toons (a la Ayla) to be required (unless they split the GR jedi between Obi and Anakin).

    Having said that, the next GL (if it's Anakin) misses a marquee requirement as of now, which I'm pretty sure will come soon(ish).

    From existing characters, as the OP said, plus the 501st and CAT.
  • Sidious and Dooku are very unlikely unless they are required at r8. But I also wouldn't bank on next GL after Kenobi being Anakin.
  • I definitely feel that sidious and dooku have to be involved, sidious instigated anakins fall and dooku was the first like kill he had with sidious telling him too end him.
    Kinda think they’re important to his story
  • If they do add GL Anakin/Vader they might make Tuskens a requirement. Almost nobody relics them, and they were (slightly) important to Anakin's story. But hopefully not, and he would most likely need Padme, Ahsoka, JKA, GAS, Sidious, Dooku, and probably Separatists.