Forum Discussion

Juzang17's avatar
7 years ago

Flash events

Just your quarterly reminder that flash events were a terrible idea and never bring them back. Tournaments were great though. That is all.
  • "gufu21;c-1541291" wrote:
    I dunno. I felt the opposite. That is all.

    Get a job and tell me how fun it is missing all the events
  • Flash events were no good if you had a life due to time limitations.
    Tournaments were no good because of how MUCH time they took over a day (or more, I don't remember).
    They were both terrible. Typical 24 hour events with finite levels, like this Rebel Roundup assault battle which seems to be a crowd pleaser, is the way to go.
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    What are these flash events you speak of?

  • "YKMisfit;c-1541300" wrote:
    What are these flash events you speak of?


    Tournaments were basically live PVP. A more exciting Squad Arena and it costed ally points to play. It was a lot of fun and gave surprisingly good rewards. Granted i didnt have this job then so i probably wouldn't have been able to play them as much. Rewards were character shards, and a TON of them at that, i remember Shoretrooper was one of them.

    As for flash events, they were events that only happened for 1-2 hours at a time every 3ish hours a day. Very easy to miss if you arent always on your phone.
  • I've never been happier in this game than the day I heard the devs decided to put out the dumpster fire that was tournaments. The only chance you had to have any success in them was to not have a family, or a job, or a life of any kind, and to sit on the "throne" with a caffeine/nutrient IV drip so that you didn't have to stop to eat or sleep or care for any other bodily functions, and you could just stay glued to your phone. That is... until horrible, unchecked, rampant cheating so thoroughly infested them that all that effort became a waste. They were a total disaster, and a horrible character release method. So glad they're dead.
  • The final version of flash events were great and tournament's were the worst.
  • "JacenRoe;c-1541318" wrote:
    I've never been happier in this game than the day I heard the devs decided to put out the dumpster fire that was tournaments. The only chance you had to have any success in them was to not have a family, or a job, or a life of any kind, and to sit on the "throne" with a caffeine/nutrient IV drip so that you didn't have to stop to eat or sleep or care for any other bodily functions, and you could just stay glued to your phone. That is... until horrible, unchecked, rampant cheating so thoroughly infested them that all that effort became a waste. They were a total disaster, and a horrible character release method. So glad they're dead.

  • "Kyno;c-1541319" wrote:
    The final version of flash events were great and tournament's were the worst.


    It wasn't FB Luke, it was NS related IIRC. You had something like 6 hours to complete, and it gave out some solid gear.

    Bring 'em back please.