@Dart_EdMar i stand corrected... reviewed that link and seen the capitol ship paks... missed that 1st time around...
So whales will be able to start collecting 15 shards tiward chimara this time around... and the rest of us are gonna have to farm the capitol ships 7th stars via monthly events...
Well in that case... you will have 7* capitol ship by june-ish... there may be a few shards from may 4th or something along the way. If your ready to start farming capitol ship shards now.
There will probably be another chimara event or 2 in that timeframe... legendary events are still a known unknown on frequency as far as i can tell.
Bottom line is whales get the edge... big suprise there (not) and more importantly nobody will have 7* chimara anytime soon. But there will be some 5* & 6* chimaras out there. Assuming 7* chimara event gives 15 shards like others too.
Lastly @Dart_EdMar i will talk to you like that when you put words in my mouth that i did not say... but i dont want to get in a whizzing contest dude... you seem to be under the impression that you can unlock a 7* star chimara from the event. Do you know for certain that it rewards the whole 100 shards on the last tier? Or only 15 at a time like the other 7* capitol ship events... and if so do you have a link?