8 years ago
Fleet Mastery Event
Dear @CG_Kozispoon @CG_CapGaSP Can you please share some light on the following: https://swgoh.gg/db/events/home-one-fleet-mastery-event/ ? Do I understand correctly that you only get 15 shards...
"Raejor1;d-137432" wrote:
I was so excited to get my Home One to 7* today only to find out that you get 15 lousy shards for completing the event. If you want another go it will cost you 800 more crystals or you can pay 999 crystals for a chance at 10-100 in the store (witch we all know you will most likely just get 10). The event will be only for one day once a month so if you are a free play player it will take you 6.66 months to get to 7*. What a load of Bantha Pudo. Thanks for the let down again EA.