Forum Discussion

brownsfan719's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

GAC Kyber rewards

I know they are not final, but just in case these are even in the remote vicinity of what is to roll out I think it is important to give feedback now. The Crystal's, gear selection, and ability mats are extremely lack luster given the effort required to reach Kyber. I know this is division 8, but the higher ones are not much better. At a minimum this should give the high value rancor gear (stun guns, carbs, cuffs, droid callers, nubian, etc...) in much greater quanties...more Crystal's and ability mats. Kyber is very hard to attain, and useless green and blue gear is not valuable at all even to a newer acct like this one.

Love the mode overall, not trying to be too negative, but I really hope these are nowhere close to what will roll out with the first true run.

Would love to hear others opinions, and see screenshots of the other divisions Kyber rewards.

  • Auro - 4 of the rewards i have over 1,000 of

    Kyber- 1-8th or less of entire game base will make it there. ( i never ever will which is depressing cause nothing to shoot for). So the question is are the rewards good enough for the luckiest (not the best) people who actually make it.

    I cannot answer that cause ill never make it ever.

    I know im tired of mk 4 holos n carbs being thrown around with top content just trolling people at this point they are :)

    Difference in final GAC coin for 0-12 and 2-10 is like 300 lol.