Forum Discussion

GuardianVex's avatar
7 years ago

Galactic War need explanation on matchmaking?

So.. I'm not usually one for posting on forums but I feel I (we) need an explanation on how galactic war matchmaking works.

You have a info section on most things i.e raids that explain in great detail and yet i'm struggling to find anything official on Galactic war.

The reason I'm asking is because I'm currently lvl 79 and until im lvl 80-82 I have no access to leader or unique omega's and yet I'm being put against power 17k plus fully Zeta'd teams.

My current team is phoenix 62k total G8 no access to upgrade unique/leader - The opposing team is 71,679 - Darth Maul Maxed out at 17k + Zeta on leader ability which is OP regardless of what the power level states!

I literally have no chance of completing this even If I had several teams the same power as my phoenix.
I cant even take out 1 of the opposing team using my 65k phoenix, 50k bounty hunters and 55k Jedi

I've tried everything to give me a fighting chance of finishing with phoenix. I sent weaker teams to force them to use there special abilities. I sent my bounty hunters in just to take out 1 member and couldn't even take the protection off one of them. It is literally impossible to finish! And I had this problem since turning Level 75.

Please Devs! Can you explain why I'm being pitted against impossible odds and why you have no official explanation to how matchmaking works?

We all enjoy a challenge and I have had to overcome the odds several times by using strategy and Its a good feeling scraping that win against all odds but being put in an no win fight is infuriating and just plain wrong. whats the point of galactic war if strategy, balance means nothing? surely the matchmaking should be based on lvl? where your actually able to compete because to have access to same(LVL) upgrades they do (if you have them or not)

Thoughts Appreciated?
  • It scales to the Stat Power of the 5 most powerful characters used in any mode I.e. Arena/GW/Cantina.

    Stat Power is heavily weighted towards stats like Protection. So if you load up say 5 tanks, you’re going to face much higher difficulty, but at max level, they can’t find a “higher” opponent so the final few nodes break instead and you get green geared opponents.

    Zetas do not add a lot if any towards Stat Power and thus you may or may not face Zeta opponents whether or not you have Zetas yourself. But you’ll see a major GP disadvantage since Zetas add like 2k GP or so.
  • "Tantema_Garnik;c-1598728" wrote:
    It will be hard till you hit lvl85. 1 month. Bootcamp training, or valley of tears ;-)
    Think about your best (highest) 5 toons (not the toons you use in gw) then
    Add 15% to this number
    thats your max Opponent in 12.
    Everyone has to go thru this phase, high arena ranking guys have it easier than others.
    ne queri pugna! ;-)

    Sorry, but not true. My top 5 have a power of 66K. I just faced a 92K G12 Zeta Jedi team led by Bastila Shan. That's a 40% difference, which is just stupid! I'm here on the forums looking for some kind of explanation as to why GW is so broken. Haven't been able to complete GW 6 out of 7 days this week. Don't see much actual reasoning, just level 85s that don't have to deal with it saying "too bad for you". If something is broken, doesn't it make sense to acknowledge it is broken and try to fix it?
  • "Cull;c-1598764" wrote:
    Wow....Thank you cannonfodder_iv

    Makes sense!

    That's the answer I was looking for.(unofficially) but at least it confirms I'm not the only one feeling this imbalance

    Well ill def be building up R2 after that fight. :)

    Thanks for the Info

    You're definitely not the only one. Whatever is used for the matchmaking algorithm has some definite blind spots that is likely producing matches that were not intended by the developers. Like you said earlier, I don't mind a good challenge. I've had battle 12 matches that required me to go through 5 teams in order to finally win. I've spent well over 2 hours trying to get the RNG and strategy and order to battles right (it's like a crazy game of Simon Says for those that remember that old game). I don't mind the challenge. What I find ridiculous and completely broken is match-ups that are literally impossible regardless of what team you use. When your best team is a 66K team and you face a 92K power G12 zeta team, it doesn't matter who you're using... the poor matchmaking just decided for you that you're going to lose.
  • "GodlikeNay;c-1705296" wrote:
    "Tantema_Garnik;c-1598728" wrote:
    It will be hard till you hit lvl85. 1 month. Bootcamp training, or valley of tears ;-)
    Think about your best (highest) 5 toons (not the toons you use in gw) then
    Add 15% to this number
    thats your max Opponent in 12.
    Everyone has to go thru this phase, high arena ranking guys have it easier than others.
    ne queri pugna! ;-)

    Sorry, but not true. My top 5 have a power of 66K. I just faced a 92K G12 Zeta Jedi team led by Bastila Shan. That's a 40% difference, which is just stupid! I'm here on the forums looking for some kind of explanation as to why GW is so broken. Haven't been able to complete GW 6 out of 7 days this week. Don't see much actual reasoning, just level 85s that don't have to deal with it saying "too bad for you". If something is broken, doesn't it make sense to acknowledge it is broken and try to fix it?

    It was true prior to whatever broke the GW algorithm in late september or early October. It still is true some of the time(when you get a normal battle 12).
  • "Waqui;c-1599005" wrote:

    Matchmaking doesn't depend on your team's GP. It relates to the total GP of your five highest GP toons. On each of the 12 nodes you will.encounter random other players' arena teams, who's GP is a certain percantage (depending on the node number) above or below your top—5's total GP. F.ex. node 12 is at 25% above, I believe. At some point you will reach the hard cap where the teams you encounter stop getting stronger no matter how strong your own top—5 becomes. From then on it only becomes easier and easier to complete. Until then, prepare for a challenge, where some days you won't be able to complete all 12 nodes. It's all designed to be a challenge for several weeks for you now.

    Sorry, but this isn't true. My top 5 guys are essentially my top team, which is at 66K. I just got matched up against a 92K team which is a 40% difference. Broken.