Forum Discussion

SmokerXXL's avatar
7 years ago

Game Mode Idea: Hunt them down! (Bounty Hunter related)

Hello everyone,

so my favorite dark side characters are the bounty hunters. I also like the base concept of playing a bounty hunter.
But in this game the bounty hunter faction is very poorly presented so far. So here is an idea about a bounty hunter game mode that should go hand in hand with a rework of the existing bounty hunters:

The game mode is called "Hunt them down!"

It is an event style mode that should last for 8 days and return once or twice in a month. It will also introduce a new shop called "Black Market".

When you enter the event you will have to choose the rewards that you will receive. Jabba the Hutt will offer you one of the following bounties:

You can choose from:

Credits (Credits + Black Market Currency)
Gear Box (Gear Box + Black Market Currency)
Training Droids (Training Droids + Black Market Currency)
Ship Credits (Ship Credits + Black Market Currency)

Each of the missions is available in 3 difficulties, that require different amounts of bounty hunters:

Difficulty 1 requires 3x3* Bounty Hunters
Difficulty 2 requires 4x5* Bounty Hunters
Difficulty 3 requires 5x7* Bounty Hunters

After choosing your rewards and the difficulty, a random hero will be picked which will then be the person you have to find / hunt down. (i.e. Han Solo or whoever) That hero will always be displayed in the upper right corner of the event screen.
Your job is to find that hero in the known universe. You will then enter a map with all of the major star wars universe planets. There should be a lot of those, like 20+ (Tatooine, Coruscant, Hoth, Jakku, Naboo...) each of those planets will have 3 missions. The hero you search for is hidden randomly behind one of those missions.
This will be limited by one mission a day that you can use to search the hero. When you complete a mission and you were unable to find the hero you will receive a clue. If you are unable to complete the mission you will receive nothing. (No escape mechanic) After you found 3 clues the position of the hunted person will be revealed and you can attempt to capture him next day. Once you completed a bounty hunt you can start a new one.

There are two ways to get clues faster:

1. Buy a clue in the Black Market store using Black Market currency, doing that you will start your next bounty hunt with a clue already in place.
2. One random mission in the galaxy will have specific bounty hunter requirements depending on the difficulty tier, here are some examples:

Difficulty 1: Mission 1 on Endor will require Boba Fett, Greedo and Bossk at 3*
Difficulty 2: Mission 3 on Kashykk will require Greedo, Dengar, IG-88 and Zam Wesell at 5*
Difficulty 3: Mission 3 on Tatooine will require Boba Fett, Dengar, IG-88, Embo and Aurra Sing at 7*

If you finish a mission like this you will receive two clues instead of just one.

So what does this kind of event support:

1. You have to search for a hero which is pretty much THE bounty hunter fantasy.
2. Everytime you search for a hero you will be starting from the scratch, you can also get lucky by finding the person 1st try or you can collect clues and hunt him down slowly until you found him. This, in my opinion also reflects the bounty hunter fantasy.
3. The system of a special mission with bounty hunter requirement will reward people for having a broad bounty hunter roster. With a larger roster you can complete more bounties in a shorter amount of time.

The Black Market Store should contain a 1 static slot for the startup clue, 2 different randomized slots to buy bounty hunter shards and 3-6 randomized slots for gear/zetas.

I am not a native speaker, so please bare with my spelling and grammar :)

Tell me what you think about it.


I also posted this on reddit: