9 years ago
Gear 9 frustrations
So I often read people posting their squads saying blah blah is g10 and blah is g9 nearly g10. And I'm just WTF cos our guild has loads of lvl 80 players but all day every day people are asking for mk5 callers or fusion furnaces. The thing I cant get my head around is how so many people seem to have g9 g10 toons when the raid rewards are just pathetic as a whole. We average 4or 5 raids a week. What's the secret? Why are some maybe most of us taking forever to g9 toons compared to the rest of you?
Vader.. was the only toon I got to G9 withouth raid stuff... when I look now at my high lvl toons and consider how long it will be before 7 or 8 of them can get to g9 I get really depressed, cos at this rate it will be 6 months or more.
Vader.. was the only toon I got to G9 withouth raid stuff... when I look now at my high lvl toons and consider how long it will be before 7 or 8 of them can get to g9 I get really depressed, cos at this rate it will be 6 months or more.