I would also like to see the gear crunch addressed in a similar way as the credit crunch. Maybe it's me, but it seems like it's come to the point where only the biggest spenders can max a toon's gear in any reasonable length of time. It is great that gear has been made more available (shard shop, fleet shop, guild shop) but the availability hasn't kept up with the amount of gear needed to max even a handful of characters. And as people have noted, much of it is the old purple gear we've been farming forever. For example, I can't count how many MK 6 Chiewab hypo syringes I've farmed in the past year (in challenges and nodes), but looking at my roster now I still need about 750 of them (maybe more if the toon needs more than 1 set of 50 for their current gear level). And that doesn't account for the additional hypo syringes they'll potentially need at the next gear level. Add that to stun cuffs/guns and everything else the amount of gear needed to max just your top row of toons is staggering. No amount of planning and budgeting will get me there without spending more money than I already do - a lot more money.
And when I do the math in my head it's becoming not worth it. Should I spend $20 to buy 2 fully crafted stun cuffs from the store? How far will that really get me? When I sit back and think about what $20 should get me reasonably in this game, it's a lot more than two fully crafted stun cuffs. At that rate, $20 won't even get me through an entire level of gear once I hit G9, G10, G11 (probably before that too). Not even close to entire level of gear at that level. I'm ball-parking here, but is an entire set of G10 gear worth $50? $150? Not even close. And this if for just one toon - when I think about maxing gear for just my first row or two of toons it gets out of control very quickly.
I know as the game progresses it becomes more difficult to keep the economy of it in balance. I say this because I feel like I'm spending more on this game but getting less bang for my buck. And by that I mean real life money buck. Thanks.