Whale problems with episode shop.
So, I'm on level 34 before the end of the first week. You're limiting the currency to 30k, and making the shop a weekly thing? That's absolutely ridiculous. I tried buying stuff i don't want to keep the currency down. Why can't we just have 1 shop with all 28 days worth up front. So what if people buy the omicron and kyrotechs first. You've made it very demoralizing to try and complete this pass for f2p with these asinine teams required in the Galactic Challenges. Some people aren't even getting their omicrons before the first week reset. If the f2p players had 28 days with all of the omicrons and kyrotechs and everything else available, you'd have happier f2p because they could get to it eventually. It also doesn't feel good for me to wonder if I'm going to have currency left for the 3rd or 4th week. Yes.. the bonus chests exist, but with rng being 200-2000.. I'm expecting every one to be 200 because that's how cg rng works. Do better please.