Forum Discussion

X_Chromazone's avatar
3 years ago

Getting stuck in Conquest

At 4:28 remaining, my battle stalled, presumably because Poggle decided to not go back to his comrades. So I waited, and waited…and waited. Finally the timer counted down to 0:00, at which point I was just hoping to get credit for the potency down debuffs. So I waited, and waited…and waited. I tabbed away from the screen, tabbed back, and the app rebooted itself.

Logged back in, unsurprised to find no credit towards the feat.

Is anyone else having issues with battles hanging?
  • Yup, less than 24-hours into this "update" and I've already had 3 'no action button' game fails, 2 in Conquest, and 1 in Fleet Arena - guildies have also had similar 'no button fails' - Seriously how hard is it to get the most basic functionality for this game to work?!
    Maybe if you spent less time trying to scam players out of money for temporary 'upgrades' you could actually get the single most important core item in your game to work instead of having had it regularly recurring as a bug every few updates!!
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead @CG_SBCrumb @CG_MindTricks Will players be getting compensation awards of crystals to make up for lost Arena payout rewards and wasted Conquest energy? If not why not? When is this bug going to be fixed??

    Eidt: Update, make that 4 fails now, with the latest one in the Smuggler's Run event the moment I tried to take my first turn! Utterly ridiculous!
  • And I want to know, what the nonsense is a soft lock?
  • happens all the time. Even more frustrating is when you lose 70 tokens on the Ultimate Token missions for a SL.

    i always restart the client prior to each battle as a precaution.