Forum Discussion

Vol4Ever94's avatar
8 years ago

Google account migration

I'm trying to split off gaming life from personal life using 2 Google accounts. Probably quitting several due to either boredom or time suck factor, but there are a few I want to keep active including GoH. Most discussions I see center on IOS-to-Android migration, but I'm assuming the same thing would hold true for Android-to-Android. Are my only 2 options to leave the account on personal Google or totally start over from scratch with gaming account? That would royally suck as I'm almost a year in with a bazillion L5 mods and around 30 toons max levelled to 85 with tons more unlocked. A couple of my other games, the devs would allow a one time move via request and I'm hoping there's at least a way to do that here. Thoughts? TIA


3 Replies

  • It would be awesome, I struggled with that as well; luckily the first account (had 3, down to 1 now); was on my gaming account.
  • Not that I know of.

    They would probably avoid this, due to not wanting to facilitate selling of accounts
  • Your stuck. Best start a new non gaming account and use current one for gaming.