7 years ago
Grand Arena: no
As I, and no doubt countless other people mentioned weeks ago, basing matches on GP is a set-up for failure.
I have an opponent now, I have the same teams, but one 'small' problem: all his/her teams are completely superior. Minimum 10k GP higher, clearly higher gear etc. I used up four teams alone attacking one, the lowest powered, and still can't beat that team, and there are 4 others to beat higher/much higher GP.
Best solution: quit. There's no point stressing myself further.
Hop next time the tables are turned and my opponent is clearly weaker.
I have an opponent now, I have the same teams, but one 'small' problem: all his/her teams are completely superior. Minimum 10k GP higher, clearly higher gear etc. I used up four teams alone attacking one, the lowest powered, and still can't beat that team, and there are 4 others to beat higher/much higher GP.
Best solution: quit. There's no point stressing myself further.
Hop next time the tables are turned and my opponent is clearly weaker.