"Vertigo;965056" wrote:
"Exletion;965029" wrote:
Appreciate the replies! Alleviated some my worry that he was a CUP. I'll max him up, throw him in my HAAT team and have some fun.
Try and get his crit chance to at least 50/55% so you can maximize the effectiveness of his special before you start going for crit damage. If you aren't running Leia/Raid Han you might want to go with more crit chance and less crit damage as well. I think I only have a crit damage primary on mine and usually move some mods from Ahsoka and Sidious onto him when I put him in the raid. But for GW I put a bit more health on him so he's less squishy.
I have Ackbar, Wiggs, and Leia G11, and some decent speed crit mods laying around in reserve. I'll probably throw in a set of crit dmg, and crit chance. I think Leia can bring that crit chance to 55% no problem. I'll probably be moving Raid Han up soon too but he's not leveled or geared at all atm, and not quite 7*.