"TheJEFFtm;c-2244412" wrote:
"Anakins_Master;c-2244407" wrote:
"Whatelse73;d-243387" wrote:
Hey CG, you know there are more pieces of gear than Kryotechs right? I mean seriously, you keep releasing characters that require MORE kryotechs than galactic legends. Give us better ways and/or higher drop rates for the wallet gear.
If hunter's is 400, then the other bad batch members will be 400 too. Oh and then when you announce the "legendary" event for BB Echo, he'll probably require 500-600! (So all total, you're talking over 2000 kryotech pieces for the whole team!)
Stop with the excessive wallet gear requirements already! It's pure rubbish.
Are there stun guns needed for hunter?
Only 50 stun gun, 50 gold eyeballs, 100 stun cuff and 100 carbanti salvage, so 3 of the 50 each kyro gear pieces plus 100 laptops for the g12 finisher doesn’t seem terrible - plus kyros are fairly easy to come by between assault battles, TW, TB, daily rewards and GET2 store these days.
For one character? Sure. But this is going to be mirrored for the rest of the bad batch team as well, which is why I said over 2000 kryotech pieces.