Forum Discussion

AbC4932a1766700's avatar
New Traveler
4 years ago

Idea for gear crunch and scavenger expansion

Hi guys so like many I’ve got crunch after crunch. Gear, Credit, omegas, zetas. Get past 1 only to hit another. While other pieces of gear just accumulate.

I had a thought and maybe the CG dev gods are watching ;)

If we are not going to get double gear/credit to account for new shard drop structure. It would be awesome if the use of scavenger could be expanded for trading unneeded gear for other core gear in similar range and even for credits.

Food for thought, sure I’m not the only one to mention something like this

4 Replies

  • This was asked years ago and they will never do this, it would be too “player friendly”..
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 years ago
    Here’s an idea to solve it: slow down on farming. Farm too many too many characters too fast in any game like this and you’ll have the same issue you’re having right now
  • "AhnaldisGOAT;c-2286649" wrote:
    In advance, I will tell you what Kyno will say. Something along the lines of “CG is looking into it, and there will be NO INFORMATION released about how they’re doing it, how they plan to fix it, no hints or tips, etc to AvOiD DeAdLiNeS”

    Thank for typing that out, it saved me some time.


    They stated in the recent pod cast that as you said they have no plans to make a large scale change to the system. They also said in that interview that they will vhop away at this over time with events and new content.

    They are unlikely to make a change that allows a player to exchange gear for other gear, mainly as this can cause "unforeseeable issues" where players making short sighted choices can cause unintended pinch points with gear used to upcycle other gear.

    I would also point out that this would be bad for newer players as they are the ones that will have less gear stockpiles when getting into relic levels, and this would have an effect of "depleting" those reserves even more.
  • LOL i did love this "players making short sighted choices can cause unintended pinch points with gear used to upcycle other gear." - what i read is "How dare you bypass our intended pinch points"

    Why I mentioned with same gear class just like the relic scavenger, not a big change to the code of the game the mechanics of scavenger are there, just add a line item for core pieces to the scavenger database Table that could be tradable. It should be trivial.

    I'm sure they will do exactly this for relic 8 eventually to just add older pinch items like Mk5Stun Guns, Mk3 Carbaniti, Mk8 Implant, Mk6 Syringe, Raid Only Gear, etc..