"DarthHernia;61990" wrote:
"Heronmar;58657" wrote:
When you have Poe+Poggle it is almost impossible for the enemy to pick IG88 off before it uses its AoE. And once a Poggle'd IG88 uses its AoE, most of the opfor is down to 40% health and really doesn't matter if it dies at that point. It definitely doesn't need a buff nor a nerf.
Like I said, That would mean IG88 and Sid don't get to put heal immunity on anyone. 40% health can be easily restored to near-full if they have Luminara. And now I'm one member down.
I face the Poe/Poggle/IG88/Sid combo in Arena all the time. It's the reason I switched out my own IG88 and Dook.
If you see him all the time, then how is it you think it needs a buff? If a lot of people uses him, it seems like he's ok.
I use IG88 in my droid team, I think he works fine. Dure, he can be tsken out, but that means you are not shooting other squishy droid. And he's taken out for a reason, his AOE is the strongest in game in the right team