Forum Discussion

Star-Lord1718's avatar
8 years ago

Jango Fett

Hello Forums! I’m excited to share the move set idea of one of my favorite and long-time needed characters to be added (SOON! - Hopefully) to SWGoH.

On Monday I will release my idea for Aurra Sing, Wednesday will be Hondo Ohnaka, and Friday will be Bossk. The idea of how to release them is like a Nihilus-style Event where all 4 characters are unlocked at the same time (during a month). However, on the final battles to unlock Jango you have to use only Bounty Hunters, Scoundrels or Separatists to get him. So you can even use your brand new Aurra Sing, Hondo, and Bossk if you level and gear them up high enough and add them to, say, Lando, Boba Fett, Zam Wessell, Dengar, IG-88, Stormtrooper Han, Chewbacca, Count Dooku, B2, Geonosian Soldier, Sun Fac, etc.

I also want to bring this up about Jango from Wookieepeida:

“Jango Fett was also an associate of pirate captain, Hondo Ohnaka, and fellow bounty hunter, Aurra Sing.”

So the fact that they were the 2 Bounty Hunters that he knew that we know of, besides Zam Wessell and Boba Fett who are already in the game, it would make sense to release the 3 of them together. Nowhere have I found that Jango actually ever knew Bossk, but I think it’s suiting to release him with the rest seeing as he knew the other 2 as well as Jango’s son, Boba.

To get familiar with the character before I explain his move set, the following is a short description of Jango Fett from the Databank:

“In the final years of the Republic, Jango Fett was regarded as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. A proficient marksman and unarmed combatant, Fett was covered in a sleek armored suit that concealed his scarred face. His combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry, including retractable wrist blades, a snare, dual blaster pistols and other more exotic tools of the trade. In combat, Jango used his harnessed jetpack to gain the advantage of speed and height over his enemies. The backpack also carried a nasty surprise -- an explosive rocket could be launched from it. For interstellar travel, Jango traveled aboard his well-worn starship, Slave I.”

Since he was the best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy at the time of the Clone Wars, it would make sense that he would be the best Bounty Hunter in the Holotables as well. Keep in mind that the following abilities are “Omega’d” and “Zeta’d.”

Jango Fett

Dark Side, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Attacker

Power: 8300 Health: 17,000 Speed: 141 Max Damage: 5,900

Basic: WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols

Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to inflict Speed Down for 2 turns. If a debuff is inflicted, attack again.

Basic: Whipcord Thrower

Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. Jango Fett has a 40% chance to gain Advantage for 1 turn.

Special: Z-6 Jetpack Missile

Cooldown - 4

Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them and inflict the opposite debuffs, if any, for 2 turns. For each opposite debuff inflicted, Jango Fett gains 20% turn meter. If Boba Fett is present, he is called to assist and inflict Stagger for 1 turn.

Special: Flamethrower
Cooldown – 5
Deal special damage to all enemies and inflict Burning for 2 turns. Also inflict Daze for 2 turns on any enemies suffering from Expose. If the primary target was suffering any negative status effects, then Expose that enemy for 2 turns. Jango Fett gains 10% Turn Meter for each negative status effect on the target enemy.

Unique: Mandalorian Armor

Jango Fett cannot be Critically Hit as long as there is another living Bounty Hunter ally. As long as Jango Fett has more than 25% health, he ignores Stealth during his turn.

Leadership: Bounty Hunter Instincts

When a Bounty Hunter Ally scores a Critical Hit there is a 30% chance to place a Thermal Detonator on the target enemy. At the start of each encounter, Scoundrel Allies have +40% Defense and Critical Hit Immunity until attacked. As long as Boba Fett is alive, his Leadership Ability is applied also.

Move Set Explanation:

Before I explain, keep in mind that many of his move set ideas come from his fight against Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino in the movie Attack of the Clones. Also notice how this would be the first character with 6 Abilities: 2 Basics, 2 Specials, 1 Unique, and 1 Leader. I think Asajj, Yoda, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Nihilus, General Grievous, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, General Kenobi, Director Krennic, Jyn Erso, and Boba Fett all have 5 abilities, so this would render Jango Fett to be the first of his kind to not only have 6, but also 2 basics. (On a side note, if you ask me, Darth Vader and Raid Han Solo should get a 5th ability to spice things up).

You saw that right. He has 2 basics. I think that would be very neat and fitting for his character in case things are on the cool down then you have a little bit of variety based on what’s going on in the match. Based on his comics and online articles Jango is known to be very versatile and always quickly changing his technique and using different weapons in battle so 2 basics seems suiting to me.

Basic: WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols
The original text upon unlocking him reads: “Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 20% chance to inflict Speed Down for 1 turn.”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +5% Damage
3 +10% Damage
4 +15% Speed Down Chance
5 +15% Damage
6 Speed Down Duration + 1
7 +15% Speed Down chance
8 (Omega) Attack again after inflicting a debuff

He is also known to be very fast with his pistols so it would make sense to attack again on his first Basic, but only if he inflicts a Debuff. So if enemies already all have Speed Down and he attacks them, then he won’t attack again.

Basic: Whipcord Thrower
The original text reads: “Deal physical damage to target enemy with a 20% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn.”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +5% Damage
3 +10% Damage
4 +15% Ability Block Chance
5 +10% Damage
6 +15% Ability Block Chance
7 +15% Damage
8 (Omega) 40% Chance to gain Advantage for 1 turn

The whipcord thrower was a piece of equipment that shot out a metallic cord with the intention of tangling up opponents and preventing them from moving. Bounty hunters Jango Fett and his son Boba Fett both used whipcord throwers mounted on their wrists. Notice in the fight against Obi-Wan it kept him from obtaining his lightsaber back (Ability Block) and gave Jango “Advantage” over him by flying Kenobi around wherever he wanted . . . (Kenobi just got lucky a pillar was there!). For those who complain that it would be unfair for a new character to have 2 basics AND 6 abilities, perhaps the devs decide to make this another special ability and give it a 2-3 turn Cooldown. I would much rather have the 6 abilities than this one taken out. All of Jango’s moves are very original and iconic and deserve to be in the game and on his character for us Bounty Hunter fan’s sake!

Special: Z-6 Jetpack Missile
The original text reads: “Deal physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them and inflict the opposite debuffs, if any, for 2 turns. For each opposite debuff inflicted, Jango Fett gains 5% Turn Meter. If Boba Fett is present, he is called to assist.”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +5% Damage
3 +15% Damage
4 +10% Turn Meter Gain
5 Cooldown - 1
6 +15% Damage
7 +5% Turn Meter Gain
8 (Omega) Inflict Stagger for 1 turn upon assist

When the battle between Jango Fett and Obi-Wan is analyzed, we can see that when Jango fired his Jetpack Missile it disarmed Kenobi and left him defenseless. This is a powerful weapon that many people were hoping to see in the Boba Fett rework (along with his flamethrower) but didn’t get. This is the perfect chance to see what we want with this Bounty Hunter Duo in the game. Boba Fett assisting is perfect seeing as immediately after Jango fired his missile at Kenobi, Boba Fett assisted from the Slave 1 using the blaster canons. Even though Boba was inside of a spaceship, this combination/synergy can be taken to the ground level too seeing as Wedge and Biggs, two people known for their space/air combat only, have amazing ground war synergy in the game (which still doesn’t make sense in my mind, but whatever), and since the Slave 1 was still technically on the ground anyways it should count as ground-war synergy, but I digress. If that sounded a little confusing, give them assisted synergy is what I asking.

I really thought about this and I don’t think it’s OP. It is similar to Baze Malbus’ “Fierce Reprisal” but with a small and rare Turn Meter boost and an assist. Now keep in mind that this has a longer cooldown, the right character has to be on the same team, alive, and not dazed or stunned to even assist, it deals less damage than Baze Malbus (but close), I have used Baze for a long time and have rarely seen any opposite debuffs gained so it would be very rare to gain that extra TM anyways, and on top of that it’s really not that much TM gained. Also, this is an iconic move and a fan favorite, so it deserves to be really good.

Special: Flamethrower
The original text reads, with some clarification in parenthesis: “Deal special damage to all enemies and inflict Burning for 1 turn. Inflict Daze for 1 turn on any enemies suffering from Expose. If the primary target was suffering any negative status effects (before this attack), then Expose that enemy for 1 turn (after this attack). Jango Fett gains 5% Turn Meter for each negative status effect on the target enemy (after this attack).”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +5% Damage
3 Expose Duration + 1
4 +10% Damage
5 Burning Duration + 1
6 +15% Damage
7 Daze Duration + 1
8 (Omega) +5%Turn Meter Gain

Everything I’ve seen and read about Bounty Hunters is that they had flamethrowers. (Bounty Hunter’s like Cad Bane, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Bossk, and Aurra Sing to name a few.) It would be really cool if he did the Flamethrower while in the air on his jetpack the same way Boba does his AoE. The Flamethrower inflicts Burning, as it should – burns are painful! It also Dazes the enemies if they were Exposed upon impact. If they weren’t Exposed, then Daze is not inflicted (but look at the synergy with Aurra Sing and Bossk later on who frequently inflict Expose). Now to be clear, if the primary target was suffering ANY negative status effects BEFORE Jango used Flamethrower, then they will become Exposed for 2 turns once Jango’s attack is over. I know the text isn’t clear on that, but I don’t know how else to word it without it being too lengthy. This move is not OP. Read the following scenarios from best to worst and you’ll see it’s just like any other strong AoE move (Emperor Palpatine’s still rules all).

Here’s the best case scenario: Jango attacks all enemies, but has enemy Yoda as the primary target who has Tenacity Down, Offense Down, Defense Down, 3 Damage Over Time, Ability Block, and Expose. He has 7 negative status effects. Jango does his Special: Flamethrower. Yoda then takes damage, gains Burning, is Dazed (due to him being exposed before the attack), and Exposed again (since he had negative status effects before Jango’s attack). Daze and Burning is then inflicted to the other enemies as it applies. Jango then gains 100% Turn Meter since Yoda is left with 10 negative status effects on him. Keep in mind that some of the DoTs might not stick if Yoda has high Tenacity stats in that case.

Average scenario: Jango attacks a team with nobody suffering from Expose and targets Kylo Ren who has no negative or positive status effects. Kylo Ren and his team take damage and gain Burning (according to individual Tenacity and Jango’s Potency of course). Nobody is Dazed, and Kylo is not Exposed at the end of the turn. Jango Fett gains no Turn Meter.

Average scenario: Royal Guard is taunting and has “Expose” on him. So he has two status effects, one negative and one positive. Jango chooses him as the target enemy and does his Special: Flamethrower. Royal Guard takes damage, gains Burning, is Dazed, and Exposed again. Jango then gains 30% Turn Meter since RG is left with 3 negative status effects on him. Again, Burning might not stick if RG has high Tenacity
stats, but in this case Daze and Expose are guaranteed to stick.

Worst case scenario: Jango attacks Rex who has Tenacity Up is all. Rex doesn’t receive Burning, is not dazed, and won’t be Exposed. Jango gains no Turn Meter. However, if Rex’s allies didn’t have Tenacity Up, then it inflicts Damage Over Time and Daze if they were Exposed at the time. But if they did have Tenacity Up, then it just does damage to everyone is all and no negative status effects are applied.

So as you can see, the point of the attack is to target someone with Expose/many negative status effects to gain TM. Call it OP if you want, but dang it all I think this move would be so fun! The perfect counter to it is Barriss, Chirrut, and Rex of course so it shouldn’t be OP due to the various oppositions. Also, there is a high cooldown so it’s a rare attack. I also don’t intend for it to do nearly as much damage as Anakin’s AoE, but rather, about the same amount of damage as Yoda’s or Boba’s. And who knows, perhaps the primary target and some of his allies Evade the attack completely and don’t get any debuffs despite them possibly being Exposed. This attack still has its weaknesses of untimely availability and circumstance.

Unique: Mandalorian Armor
The original text reads: “Jango Fett cannot be Critically Hit as long as there are 4 living Bounty Hunter allies. As long as Jango Fett has more than 90% health, he ignores Stealth during his turn.”

Ability Level Bonus
2 - 10% Health Penalty
3 - 1 Ally Penalty
4 - 15% Health Penalty
5 - 1 Ally Penalty
6 - 15% Health Penalty
7 - 1 Ally Penalty
8 (Omega) - 25% Health Penalty

He can’t be critically hit if his BH allies are alive. He was the best BH in the galaxy. Enough said. However, the really cool part is that he can ignore Stealth. This obviously counters Teebo and Darth Maul lead teams along with any characters who Stealth such as Nute Gunray, Princess Leia, and the Ewoks.

The reason I really like this unique is because it goes hand in hand with Boba’s unique. Boba can attack outside of Taunts, or even dispel them, and Jango attacks outside of Stealth, so not one single character is “safe” if both of them are on the battlefield at the same time, unless of course they have Foresight (zQGJ teams is still a weakness against them which makes sense… Mace Windu and General Kenobi gave Jango a run for his money). But keep in mind that if an enemy is Taunting, Jango still has to attack that character no matter what.
The reason why it’s not an “un-dispelable” buff Unique like Boba’s “Bounty Hunter’s Resolve” is because I don’t want this ability to be able to be dispelled, and I don’t want Jango to self-revive. So rather, as long as Jango has at least 25% health then he can attack Stealthed enemies. So it’s punishable just like Boba’s if he doesn’t have his BHR, but Jango can also gain this ability back if he is healed somehow (Hondo). This gives incentive to place high Protection and Health mods (along with Speed and Potency based on his previous moves).

Leader: Bounty Hunter Instincts
The original text reads: “When a Bounty Hunter Ally scores a Critical Hit there is a 10% chance to place a Thermal Detonator on the target enemy. At the start of each encounter Scoundrel Allies have +10% Defense until attacked.”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +10% Defense
3 +10% Thermal Detonator Chance
4 Add Critical Hit Immunity on Scoundrel Allies until attacked
5 +10% Defense
6 +10% Thermal Detonator Chance
7 +10% Defense
8 (ZETA) As long as Boba Fett is alive, his Leader Ability is applied also.

His Leader Ability can pretty much, but not always, prevent his Scoundrel allies from getting killed in one shot by, say, Wiggs. No crits and 40% defense for 1 turn should do the trick. This makes sense as a Bounty Hunter lead because BHs were obviously trying to avoid sight, contact, and fighting so that they can get their loot or abduct/assassinate their target as clean as possible. For that, they were always on the defensive and avoided getting caught. If they were “critically hit” then they ignored the pain and kept moving because getting caught was the last thing on their mind. And again, it’s not OP, but rather gives them a chance to have good defense against Speed mods (Wiggs teams).

I also like the small chance to place a Thermal Detonator. That gives synergy with Boba Fett if Jango’s lead is Zeta’d. If not, at least there is a Thermal Detonator on the enemy.

If you want to see the ideas of Aurra Sing and Hondo Ohnaka a day earlier than when I said I would post them, along with this same Jango Fett idea, then head to “” where you can check them out along with other great things, such as mods, for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!

Aurra Sing:

Hondo Ohnaka:

12 Replies

  • "CameronD;c-1020031" wrote:
    +1, I love the idea the 2 different basics sound unique and can work for different situations! Minor suggestion his blaster pistols should deal damage twice since it's two separate shots.

    I don't know if it should do damage twice. Many characters shoot multiple times and it deals damage once. Take Rex's basic and specials... multiple shots are fired but damage is only dealt once. Or even think of Maul's special, he hits the enemy multiple times with his lightsaber but only deals damage once. Just the way the game is. But I approve of Jango shooting twice and dealing damage once.
  • His "Flamethrower" special ability has been changed to include "Burning" instead of Damage Over Time.

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