Forum Discussion

frvrngn's avatar
7 years ago

JTR - P3 HAAT question

Question for all you HAAT vets. We just started clearing HAAT and it is due to my two big teams, I recently joined this smaller guild to help out.

My main end of P2/P3/P4 team is the standard - AA, CLS, Thrawn, Ventress, BB8. I can do part of P2, all of P3 and all of P4 or at least most of P4. Sometimes it takes some RNG in my favor if B2 starts dodging a lot or some other fluke happens but it is pretty reliable.

I recently got JTR on the last go around and just got her to G12 and threw a zeta on her lead to start playing around with new squads. While doing that I also added a zeta to BB8 Roll w Punches for the assist since that helped in Sith raid.

Well I keep seeing big scores (similar if not identical with a JTR squad as I do the AA squad). I cant seem to get it to work and I am not sure why...

Running JTR (z lead), zzR2, zBB8, zzzCLS, zThrawn with OK but not great mods. All are in the low 200's for speeds. (Thrawn is 255, BB is 235, others a little lower - I use T in my main Arena squad). I have tried RT, Hermit, and Zolo in place of others like R2 or Thrawn but none seem to work as well as the first option for P3. Zolo was pretty close though so maybe I havent tried enough combos.

I feel like the BB assist is messing me up since he calls the extra attack which just speeds up B2. Doesnt matter who he calls, they dont do TM reduction on basic so it speeds B2 up. Even with out that zeta I was only doing about 60-70% of P3 only. Now I feel like I am doing less but I havent done a full run yet with BB, just some practice runs, this is our first HAAT since doing the BB zeta.

Am I just too slow with that team? Do I not call BB to assist with JTR so no extra attacks? Just curious what is going on... If I am too slow that is fine, I will just stick with the AA team. My big speed mods are all on my main Arena team (EP) so these were the best of what I had left for the JTR teams.

Thanks in advance for any insight.
  • I only do the JTR/BB8/+1 attack if the B2 is low on TM and/or CLS has his special loaded.

    I have found that the JTR team (I use Asajj in place of Thrawn) can't do as much damage as the Ackbar team, I generally can do about 50-60% of P3 and all of P4. However, it seems to be less RNG dependent because R2 can stealth every other turn and you never have to worry about the airstrike or canon blast.

    Also my BB8 is only G9 and he dies way too often under Ackbar. :p
  • "ASD_Dad;d-166918" wrote:
    Running JTR (z lead), zzR2, zBB8, zzzCLS, zThrawn with OK but not great mods. All are in the low 200's for speeds. (Thrawn is 255, BB is 235, others a little lower - I use T in my main Arena squad). I have tried RT, Hermit, and Zolo in place of others like R2 or Thrawn but none seem to work as well as the first option for P3. Zolo was pretty close though so maybe I havent tried enough combos.

    I feel like the BB assist is messing me up since he calls the extra attack which just speeds up B2. Doesnt matter who he calls, they dont do TM reduction on basic so it speeds B2 up. Even with out that zeta I was only doing about 60-70% of P3 only. Now I feel like I am doing less but I havent done a full run yet with BB, just some practice runs, this is our first HAAT since doing the BB zeta.

    Am I just too slow with that team? Do I not call BB to assist with JTR so no extra attacks? Just curious what is going on... If I am too slow that is fine, I will just stick with the AA team. My big speed mods are all on my main Arena team (EP) so these were the best of what I had left for the JTR teams.

    Thanks in advance for any insight.

    @ASD_Dad last night I tried that exact team for the first time (JTR/R2/BB8/CLS/Thrawn). Same zetas as you except I only have IBAT on CLS.

    JTR G11 209 speed
    R2 G12 229
    BB8 G9 233
    CLS G12 255
    Thrawn G12 238

    Cleared 20% of P2, all of P3, and 95% of P4 (heartbroken to die with that last 5% remaining lol). 29m.