6 years ago
Malevolence: The big slap in the face for all who wasted GET for Negotiatior
Thanks for nothing CG. Noone could finish the negotiator yet and you release a new, more powerful ship, which decreases the negotiator to scrap and all the ones who invested tenthousands of GET2 into it, have wasted that GET. And more worse: the GET are not only wasted, those who did not invested into this obsolet ship, have now a big advantage. The Nego was only a little useful. No disadvantage, when missing.. There were serveral good ways to release the Malevolence. A new raid for example. But as usual, CG chooses the way of maximum cashgrab. Kidding the players and take their money is all CG/EA did with every new release. LS geonosis is another example. You want to bury this game fast? you re on a good way. with every new whale-pushing release the game becomes more annoying and less fun. We will see another wave of quits the next time. great work!